Measuring and improving customer centricity
What is the Customer Centricity Score?
The Customer Centricity Score (CCScore) is a KPI for customer centricity - simple, actionable and scientifically approved. Through an internal survey, the most important aspects of customer centricity are measured to identify strengths and areas for development. Based on the results, specific improvement measures can be defined.
Get to know CCScoreScientifically based
The score was developed in 2013 by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) and Swisscom. Empirical research and case studies were used to derive the 15 most important factors for customer centricity. These factors can be measured concretely and thus make the complex topic of customer centricity tangible and controllable.
Targeted measures for your company
The CCScore is an instrument that transparently shows the strengths and areas for development with regards to customer centricity. Based on the results, concrete measures can be defined such as gaining systematic customer insights, introducing customer-related KPIs and incentives, designing processes along the customer journey. Better customer experiences lead to higher success in the market.
Strategic KPI
With CCScore the success of the improvement measures can be tracked over time, by measuring regularly over time. The results can also be analysed according to various criteria (e.g location, departments or business units) and thus enables a transparent internal comparison. An external reference point can be done with our industry benchmark.
Thanks to CCScore, these companies work in a more customer-centric way
With the CCScore we were able to identify the biggest challenges in the area of customer centricity and implement concrete improvement measures in various areas. In addition, the CCScore is a great tool for involving all our employees on the transformation journey to becoming "N°1 in serving customers".

Kurt Loosli